7 Kidpower Strategies For Keeping Your Child Safe

You can use the seven steps for keeping your child safe, found in details at the link below, to ensure the physical and mental well being of your child.
The steps include:
- Put safety first
- Keep your radar on
- LISTEN to your children and teach them not to keep unsafe secrets
- Make SURE kids know you CARE
- Don’t let kids throw stones
- Assess your child and make Safety Plans
- Prepare children to take charge of their safety by practicing skills.
For detailed descriptions of these steps, see the link below. To see the video series associated with these steps, click here.
This resource stems from a Positive Coaching Alliance Trusted Resource - Kidpower - a nonprofit leader in abuse and violence prevention for children and adults. Kidpower makes it FUN to learn about being safe, rather than scary. Caring adults can use the Kidpower Method™ to protect children and teens from bullying, child abuse, abduction, and other violence.