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Coach Recruitment Plan

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Your job as a youth sport organization leader will include ensuring you have enough coaches once player registration is complete and you’ve determined the number of teams in the league. Implementing a recruitment plan, outlined here, will help manage this process.

A recruitment plan starts with the Recruitment Manager, who should be a sales-oriented board member charged with securing enough volunteers to allow the organization to run smoothly. It is important that this person is outgoing, determined and persistent in finding coaches.

When creating written materials and talking to potential coaches, emphasize the benefits your YSO brings (e.g., coaching clinics, the chance to make a difference). If your YSO is formally aligned with Positive Coaching Alliance as a Partner, stress that in your materials, as it gives potential coaches assurance in the principles adhered to by your organization.

You can also ask your current coaches to bring a friend into the organization to coach. Many youth coaches get started because a friend asked them to help. Make sure to also seek out parents, both mothers and fathers, to coach.

Once you have a pool of potential coaches, schedule one or more coach orientation meetings. Develop an agenda for the meeting that includes explaining your league philosophy, expectations of coaches and logistics (such as when the season begins, where games will be held, etc.).

Check out this PDF for a more detailed and extensive coach recruitment plan.

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