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Inside The Packers' Acronym "TIRES" For The Team's Cult

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Mark Murphy is president and CEO of the NFL's Green Bay Packers (@packers) and a member of PCA's National Advisory Board. Before joining the Packers, Murphy served as athletic director for Colgate University and Northwestern University. Earlier, he was an All-Pro defensive back for the NFL's Washington, DC franchise.

According to Murphy, the Packers periodically bring the employees together to discusses the importance of the organization's values. They specifically focus on five values: teamwork, integrity, respect, excellence, and stewardship (constituting the acronym, "TIRES"). Murphy explains that teamwork is especially crucial to the strength of any organization, not only an athletic group.

Additionally, he explains the meaning behind the Packers' value of stewardship and Murphy states that as one of the orginal NFL teams, everyone in the Packers organization regards themselves as being a steward and hopes to leave an impact on the organization.

Written by Mimi Fhima