Motivational Sports Quotes
Looking for ways to motivate your players? Searching for pre-game inspiration? Positive Coaching Alliance has collected hundreds of quotes from athletes, coaches, business leaders, authors and philosophers to deliver daily inspiration. PCA Founder Jim Thompson always says, "Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive." The more people we can get to read, heed and share these quotes, the more joy and inspiration we’ll all bring to the 40 million youth playing sports in the U.S.
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Read these top quotes from PCA National Advisory Board Member Carol Dweck on having a Growth Mindset.
It can give coaches a window into virtue, ethics, courage, and justice to help them keep the bigger picture.
If coaches are unwilling to embrace new philosophies, these two tidbits from Kobe can help them be more open.
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These daily inspirational quotes and photos help coaches motivate players and help parents teach life lessons.