The 15 Benefits (And More) Of A Caring Climate
PCA National Advisory Board Member Mary Fry (@MaryFry10) is a professor in the Department of Health, Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Kansas. She also is the Director of the KU Sport and Exercise Psychology Lab and oversees the graduate program in the area.
Mary Fry says that there are many things that a caring climate can do for a person and their team. While an athlete's performance and enjoyment goes up on the field, she found that his or her behavior, attitude, and happiness also increased outside of sports. This is true for the whole team leading to better performance for everyone. Fry says that her research shows that when a caring climate is perceived, it has an unbelievable number of benefits.These benefits are:
Athletes try harder
Athletes have more fun
Athletes have better relationships with teammates and coaches
Athletes are more committed and more likely to keep playing that sport
Athletes show greater empathy
Athletes feel better about themselves as human beings
Athletes feel like they have a capacity to make the world a better place
Athletes report greater psychological well-being
Athletes have greater hope and happiness, less depression and sadness
Athletes have better physical health and lower stress levels
Athletes perform better (fewer turnovers, more assists, as an example).