Inside A Double-Goal Coach Workshop
This video, featuring ESPN Analyst and PCA National Advisory Board Member Herm Edwards (@HermEdwardsESPN), is a sneak peak at PCA workshops and Partnerships. A PCA Partnership includes a customized mix of live workshops, online courses, books, access to the PCA Partners website, and ongoing follow-up communications.
Many of our Partners report benefits, such as:
- Increased retention rates and satisfaction among players, coaches and officials
- Increased participation in coach training and parent and leadership education
- Increased number of inquiries from other organizations about “how you do things”
- Increased comments in the community about how classy, kid-friendly, and well-run the organization is.
That environment helps your school or organization attract and retain the coaches, parents and players necessary to make your programs run smoothly...with fewer on-field conflicts, better coach-parent relationships and avid support for the program itself from all involved and the community at large.
For more information on bringing PCA’s live workshops into your school or youth sports organization, click here.