5 Qualities Of A Great High School Coach
Tony Price (@TonyPriceAD) is the current Athletic Director at Randolph High School in Randolph, MA and was previously the Assistant Athletic Director and Head Basketball Coach at Simmons College in Boston. Price is also involved with the Randolph Youth Basketball Association and is known for instilling 'character and confidence' in his student-athletes.
In Price's role as an athletic director, he is constantly evaluating and hiring new coaches. In this video, he explains the five most important qualities he identifies in successful coaches.The qualities are listed in no particular order:
- The coach is committed to the school community and knows the student dynamic.
- The coach genuinely and deeply cares about the athletes he or she coaches.
- The coach is educated in the sport they teach and can effectively communicate their ideas to their athletes.
- The coach is organized and has a practice plan they execute on a daily basis.
- The coach is committed to values of education, family and maintaining integrity and diversity.
Above all, he advises that coaches "should push their athletes to their limits but support them in every way they can along the way."