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Nutrition: Healthy Fuel For Healthy Athletes

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The Coaching Healthy Habits training materials are brought to you by Healthy Kids Out of School at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition. These resources help youth sports coaches and parents promote three simple behaviors: drinking water, snacking on fruits and vegetables, and increasing active time. Research shows that these three habits can keep youth athletes healthy now and into the future.

This resource suggests when and what athletes should eat in order to maximize their energy output. It explains that what athletes consume three hours prior to gametime should be different than what they consume 30 minutes before, at halftime, and after a game.

What remains constant, however, is the consumption of water. This resource outlines when it is most conducive for an athlete to eat a healthy meal versus just a snack. It also offers suggestions as to what those meals and snacks could be, while discouraging the temptations of unhealthy concession treats.

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