Mistakes Ritual
To help recover from mistakes, athletes should physical gestures, called mistake rituals, to allow them to quickly refocus on the most important play – the next one. Over time, you can develop a mental toughness to bounce back from mistakes, which also gives the confidence to compete aggressively on every play. To adopt a different mindset about mistakes, see the resources below.
Search Results 31 - 40 of 149
Tod Creneti, HS football coach, presents a positive outcome when an athlete has made a mistake.
When coaches bring perspective to difficult moments, it can help athletes value and embrace the process.
If you're going to have a learning environment, you have to cultivate a culture in which mistakes are OK.
Billie Jean King ([@BillieJeanKing](https://twitter.com/BillieJeanKing)) -- a 2009 recipient of...
Award-winning coach explains how to help players cope with mistakes and praise them when they bounce back
Mindfulness can help with nervousness or anxiety, as well as help people move on from mistakes.
PCA National Advisory Board Member Alexi Lalas describes his experience and findings as a sports parent.
In his time as a wheelchair tennis coach, James recounts a story of an athlete who was triumphant in failure.
Mental skills coach Graham Betchart uses the term "next-play speed" to emphasize quick recovery from mistakes.
Mental skills coach Graham Betchart on the power of positive reinforcement when athletes recover from mistakes