Search Results 11 - 20 of 25
Jeffrey Marx, the author of Season of Life, explains how youth sports can reinforce and teach life lessons.
Peak performance consultant Ken Ravizza discusses how athletes can still contribute even on their off days.
A grateful spirit is what allows us to Embrace The Suck, says Rockies Pitching Coach Steve Foster.
Matt Kata talks about how important trust is when building a relationship with players and their parents.
Sports allowed Alexi Lalas to build lifelong friendships that still exist outside of sports years later.
Moments of "awe" in sports make you more interested in others experiences than your own- a humbling experience
Keltner's research indicates that touch is the fundamental language of cooperation and connection.
Saying thank you is an underrated form of filling the emotional tanks of those around you who make you better.
The "female Jerry Maguire", Molly Fletcher, discusses why fearlessness made her successful in sports and life.
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