Search Results 1 - 10 of 36
American professional soccer player talks about the journey to understand that her sport does not define her.
Former Olympian speaks about in every situation, win or loss, there is always something to improve at.
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PCA is proud to join the Body Confident Sport program to help girls build body confidence and make sports a...
Katie Hurley, The Jed Foundation provides parents and caregivers 12 tips for talking to their teen athletes
Sports teams offer unique opportunities to create spaces where teens and young adults feel safe, seen,...
Nate Boyer speaks on the topic of resilience and why it is important to him.
Colleen Coyne shares advice she would give to her younger self.
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These five tips for trans allies were created by attendees of the 2013 LGBT Sports Summit.
Transgender and gender-expansive youth face even greater barriers to sports participation.
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To help manage emotions and have effective communication, try the Red, Yellow, Green technique.
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Adapted by Program on Intergroup Relations & Spectrum Center, LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, U of Michigan
Video provided by PROJECT ROCKIT. STANDING UP: What is calling in versus calling out?
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Now seven months in, we’ve learned a few things about the pandemic’s wider impact on youth & HS sports.