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Ron Katz, Co-Founder of the Institute of Sports Law and Ethics, discusses the evolution of gender in sports.
Jeffrey Marx, the author of Season of Life, explains how youth sports can reinforce and teach life lessons.
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PCA is proud to join the Body Confident Sport program to help girls build body confidence and make sports a...
Katie Hurley, The Jed Foundation provides parents and caregivers 12 tips for talking to their teen athletes
Sports teams offer unique opportunities to create spaces where teens and young adults feel safe, seen,...
Listen in as High Performance Consultant Lee Hancock gives tips for coaches of any level.
High-profile NFLer on character-education influences in his life and how sports can develop character in kids
University of Kansas associate professor on how athletes benefit from a supportive team environment.
A top expert in intercollegiate athletics issues shares her views on what's right and wrong with youth sports.