Search Results 1 - 10 of 432
Take advantage of the teachings presented in King Richard by using these questions to help guide a discussion.
The Express (2008) follows the college career of Ernie Davis, who was the first African-American to win the...
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PCA is proud to join the Body Confident Sport program to help girls build body confidence and make sports a...
Katie Hurley, The Jed Foundation provides parents and caregivers 12 tips for talking to their teen athletes
Sports teams offer unique opportunities to create spaces where teens and young adults feel safe, seen,...
Take advantage of the teachings presented in A Most Beautiful by using these movie discussion questions.
Discussion guide for 42 which is based off of the beginning of Jackie Robinson's career.
Discussion guide for Invictus, a 2009 sports drama about how Nelson Mandela used rugby to unite South Africa.
Learn life lessons and engage with the movie Hoosiers by using these discussion questions.
*The downloadable resource below is a part of PCA's collection of movie discussion guides, which aim to...
Seize teachable moments by using these questions to guide a discussion about the movie Goal! The Dream Begins.
Seize teachable moments by using these questions to guide a discussion about the movie Her Best Move