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Tim Patrick, Garett Bolles, Justin Simmons and Adam Gotsis of the Denver Broncos talk about key PCA principles
When athletes make mistakes, Mermuys chooses to lead with a positive before following up with a correction.
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PCA is proud to join the Body Confident Sport program to help girls build body confidence and make sports a...
Katie Hurley, The Jed Foundation provides parents and caregivers 12 tips for talking to their teen athletes
Sports teams offer unique opportunities to create spaces where teens and young adults feel safe, seen,...
This article by PCA Trainer Roch King can help coaches, athletes and teams past their mistakes.
This article explains methods for moving past mistakes and focusing on the next needed action.
Tom Grilk explains how former Hockey Legend Ray Bourque used empathy to help his son move on from mistakes.
Book Excerpt
These six steps help coaches introduce a mastery approach, instead of focusing just on the scoreboard.
Mistakes are the lifeblood of learning and coaches should aim for a mastery approach to learning new skills.
Coaches and Parents need to give players a tool, so they can process and move past their mistakes.
A mistake ritual helps athletes, coaches and parents move on to the most important play -- the next play!
Watch as this wrestling coach helps his athletes identity their mistakes by asking, instead of telling.