Positive Coaching Vs. Negative Coaching In Helping Kids Improve Quickly
Jack Clark, a PCA National Advisory Board Member and member of the U.S. Rugby Hall of Fame, has over 35 years coaching experience and is head coach for the University of California Varsity Rugby (@CalVarsityRugby) team, where he has won 27 combined national collegiate championships with an all-time collegiate coaching record of 614-78-5 (.880) in 15s and 109-14 (.886) in the Olympic Games version of 7s.
Clark explains that he gets the most out of his players by spending time talking about their strengths. He does not like to spend time talking about what they do not do well because it nets him a very low return. When he sits down with players and talks about what they do well, it can be a very powerful experience for both of them. One of his favorite parts about coaching is building a model and approach to competing around what his players do well.