Doc Rivers: Sports Parenting In 4 Words
Doc Rivers (@DocRivers) is the Head Coach for the Milwaukee Bucks and a PCA National Advisory Board Member. He had a stellar playing career with Marquette University and several NBA teams before moving on to coach the Orlando Magic and then the Celtics, whom he led to the 2008 NBA Championship. Rivers is also a prominent sports parent, most notably as father of Austin Rivers, who played at Duke University before playing for his father with the Los Angeles Clippers.
In this short 15 second clip, Rivers explains a simple way to be a successful sports parent: support and enjoy your kids. One of the best ways you can support your kid after a game is with the short phrase, "Great job, keep working." Parents are often tempted to say more and analyze their kids performance, but saying only this might be what's best for the kid who simply needs support.