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Athletic Directors: 3 C's To Consider When Hiring An Assistant Coach

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Jeaney Garcia (@PCA_Hawaii), former Athletic Director for Punahou School in Honolulu, was a coach, teacher, official and administrator for 25 years. She now holds the position of Executive Director for PCA's chapter in Hawaii.

When hiring a coach, particularly an assistant, it is always important for an Athletic Director to include the head coach in the process because they ultimately have ownership and responsibility over the team. The current head coach and the Athletic Director should look for consensus on the following three C’s when hiring a new assistant coach:

  • Character: A coaching candidate should not only discuss the importance of character but show how they implement it.
  • Competence: They should be reliable, show up on time, and know the game well enough to respect it.
  • Compassion: Seek candidates that can relate to the athletes, parents and their colleagues.