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Using The "Spirit Circle" To Respect And Learn From Opponents

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This resource comes from Skyd Magazine (@skydmagazine), a Seattle based magazine that celebrates and supports the growth of ultimate frisbee. Skyd provides articles and featured columns for coaches and athletes on training, growth of the sport, mental preparation and performance, and life lessons learned through ultimate.

Spirit Circles are a good way to positively connect with the other team and to resolve possible conflicts. After a game is over both teams form a joined circle with alternating players. This circle can be used to highlight some positives and/or discuss issues that might have occurred during the game.

Even the World Champion Ultimate Frisbee team, Seattle Riot, claims that these Spirit Circles make them better athletes, better people and argues it can be used at every level from youth to world class. In this panel, members of the team describe how a hollow, poorly-spirited win at Regionals led their team to embrace Spirit circles as a way to build relationships with other teams. The reigning world champions use Spirit circles to exchange honest (and even unpleasant) feedback on everything from strategy to rules discussion. These circles are integral to both performance and attitude improvement in the sport of Ultimate Frisbee and can be used in other sports as well.

To read more on the use and importance of Spirit Circles from Skyd Magazine, click the link below.

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