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Tips On Coaching Speed Training For Young Athletes

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Speed training is key to success in many sports. Introducing speed training at low intensity often can help beginning athletes by ingraining good form and habits early.

For younger athletes who engage in speed training, a focus on fundamentals is critical, and coaches should keep it both fun and simple so the athletes stays passionate and engaged. To avoid injury, coaches must also keep the intensity and repetition of these exercises very low and focus on the process of learning the development technique.

To view more detailed advice on coaching speed training to beginning athletes, click below.

This information is brought to you by STACK, which exists to inspire and empower the next generation of athletes. In its mission to bridge the gap between professional and amateur athletes, STACK provides information and tools to young athletes hoping to achieve their athletic destiny. Through magazines, apps, and their website, they give insights for growing athletes on nutrition, training, gear, and more.

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