How Parents Know The Right Level Of Sport Involvement For Their Child

Getting your child started out on the right track in sports can be complicated. While every parent wants to see their kid achieve success, few parents know what kind of program and environment will allow their athlete to succeed.
Parents don’t know how early to start their kids in sports, how much time their athlete should commit, and what kind of results they should or should not expect. Here are three helpful hints for parents seeking answers to those questions.
When kids start wanting to improve their performance on their own, that’s when parents will know to get their kid more heavily involved in a program.
If kids show low energy before practices, parents may want to consider dialing back their kids' schedules.
Parents should understand that athletic results can fluctuate and vary widely as kids grow at such different rates.
Those three thought process can guide parents in communicating with their kids around sports and help the child develop as a better athlete and person. Click below to learn more about these concerns and how to determine the right sports situation for your young athlete.
This information is brought to you by STACK, which exists to inspire and empower the next generation of athletes. In its mission to bridge the gap between professional and amateur athletes, STACK provides information and tools to young athletes hoping to achieve their athletic destiny. Through magazines, apps, and their website, they give insights for growing athletes on nutrition, training, gear, and more.