Tips For YSO Registration

In-person registration for your youth sports league can be hectic, and it’s recommended that administrators and leaders be as prepared as possible.
Be sure to focus on promoting registration in the weeks before the event occurs. Check with local schools to see if you can have a flyer sent home with every child. Many local papers have community calendars or other sections of the paper in which groups can publicize meetings. Consider posting signs at busy intersections throughout the community.
On the day of registration, recruit a group of friendly volunteers who are willing to collect forms and answer questions. If possible have English and Spanish speaking volunteers to be able to accommodate all people interested in signups. Be sure to have the volunteers who are collecting the registration forms collect the fees and check birth dates, if necessary.
Registration is a great way to not only get players for your league, but volunteers as well. Ask parents to volunteer to help with fundraisers, or see if they have an interest in becoming a coach. Try to get each parent to volunteer for some role in the league, no matter how small.
Our tips sheet, found below, has more suggestions to make sure registration a success.